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All About Beach Wheelchairs

People who use wheelchairs on a regular basis know all about how different terrains can impact their performance. Whether you are a long-term wheelchair user or are using a wheelchair temporarily, it is important that you are able to maintain your quality of life. The summertime offers plenty of outdoor activities, some of which may be challenging for people in wheelchairs. The good news is that CWI Medical has plenty of medical supplies including beach wheelchairs and beach mats, making it easier for all people to visit the beach no matter their abilities. 

Echo All Terrain & Beach Wheelchair The first question many people ask, especially those who are not familiar with wheelchairs on the beach, is what are beach wheelchairs? Next, others might wonder are beach wheelchairs different from regular wheelchairs? Wheelchairs for the beach are specifically designated for the unique sandy terrain that one finds at the shore.  Beach wheelchairs are ones that have all terrain wheelchair tires. This allows the wheelchair roll seamlessly along the sand. Those who are interested in a lightweight, high-quality all terrain beach wheelchair should look into the Echo All Terrain & Beach Wheelchair , rated 5 stars for overall excellence, user-friendliness, and ease of assembly.

Once you’ve identified that beach wheelchairs are different from traditional wheelchairs, the next point of curiosity might be if there are different types of beach wheelchairs. There are many different types of beach wheelchairs and beach wheelchair wheels. The type of wheelchair a beachgoer chooses depends on a variety of factors, including activity level, purpose, and price. Some people in wheelchairs going to the beach simply want to enjoy the sand and the sun. For these purposes, the Echo All Terrain & Beach Wheelchair will more than suffice. Built to last, this healthcare grade, lightweight, mobile, and easy to assemble beach wheelchair offers users a safe and comfortable experience. The surfaces are smooth with rounded corners. The PVC construction prevents the surfaces from getting too hot in the sun, and easily sheds water and fluids, making it easy to clean. The Echo All Terrain wheelchair also features high flotation heavy duty wheels and a rust-proof frame. This type of wheelchair is recommended for those who have sustained high-level spinal cord injuries and cannot use their arms.

Then there are those who may be looking to go into the water with their wheelchairs and participate in water activities. While there are many models that offer this capability, it is important to note that the prices of wheelchairs with these features will be significantly higher than an all-terrain wheelchair. Additionally, this beach wheelchair should only be used by people who can self-propel. 

Going to the beach can be a fun and enjoyable experience no matter what your capabilities are. If you are looking for medical supplies to make your beach trip easier this summer season, look no further than CWI Medical. For more information, contact us today!

Get the Echo All Terrain & Beach Wheelchair


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Echo All Terrain & Beach Wheelchair
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