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Stay Safe and Healthy this Fourth of July


What would the 4th of July be without the classic barbeque or cook-out? This weekend, millions of Americans will enjoy fun food with family and friends while celebrating the birth of our nation and the freedoms we enjoy.

But backyard barbeques and picnics at the park also result in nasty cases of food poisoning or even holiday weight gain that maybe you weren’t planning on. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips to help make sure you enjoy this Independence Day in the safest and healthiest way possible.

- Skip the chips, crackers and bread. The refined foods will be out in abundance this weekend, and they’re usually one of the big culprits to weight gain, because they contain lots of calories but very little in the way of nutrition. If you want to avoid packing on extra pounds this weekend, skip these “food groups” and head straight for the veggie and fruit trays.

- Avoid cross-contamination. It’s easy to lose track of where things are and where they’re going when you’re cooking outside of the kitchen, but be extra vigilant to avoid tainting your utensils or cooking surfaces when you’re dealing with raw meat. Have one table for cooking raw meats and a separate table altogether for serving foods.

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- Wash, wash and wash again! This is a great tip not just for the holidays when everyone’s together, but all year round. When you’re going to be around tons of people as well as handling all sorts of food, it’s a good idea to wash your hands at least every few hours, if not more depending on what you’re doing. Keeping your hands washed will discourage the spread of bacteria.

(Get Vermont Organic Foaming Hand Soap - safe and non-toxic, Sulfate-Free and Certified Organic!)

- Buy smaller plates. This is a secret you can use to trick your mind into thinking you’re eating more than you really are. When you fill up a small plate with a normal amount of food, you’ll feel like you’re eating more than if you put the same amount on a larger plate. Do the same for plastic cups — go small, not large.

- Get out and get active. There are plenty of things to do with the family to burn off all those barbeque calories. Play a game of frisbee golf, or organize an impromptu game of touch football. Go for a bike ride or spend the afternoon swimming. It really doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you get moving after having that big meal. It will make a huge difference.

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Whatever your plans are for the holiday, we at CWI Medical, LLC hope you enjoy your time and stay safe and healthy as always. Happy 4th of July everyone!

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