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Preparing for Holiday Travel with Incontinence

People with incontinence know the challenges associated with travel. Traveling with incontinence can make trips, near or far, troublesome and difficult. The holidays, although full of joy and excitement, can also be stressful for people who struggle with incontinence especially if they find themselves on long car rides or airplanes. That is why we put together a guide for how to prepare for holiday travel when you have incontinence. Follow these tips to make this holiday season the most successful, stress-free, wonderful time of the year.

Holiday Travel with IncontinenceCar, Plane, or Train?

The first thing to do is to plan your mode of transportation. How you will be traveling for the holidays depends on where you are going but also your individual condition. It is important to know yourself, your body, and your level of comfort. Think about whether a 6-hour car ride in the comfort of your own vehicle will be more comfortable than an airplane, or vice versa. Additionally, consider logistics. If public transportation like a bus or a train is more financially appropriate for you, it may be necessary to pack different incontinence supplies than you would otherwise.

Map Out Your Route if Traveling by Car

If you have incontinence and will be traveling by car, it is wise to map out your route and scope out the nearby areas for rest stops. This will help prevent any accidents along the road and give you time to pull over and dispose of disposable diapers if you are wearing them. While in the car, avoid drinking liquids and pay special attention to stay away from coffee, which is a diuretic.

Choose an Aisle Seat or a Seat Close to the Restroom on an Airplane

If you are traveling via airplane and have the luxury of choosing your own seat, it’s a good idea to find one closest to the restroom. The airplane layout should be available when selecting your seats online, making this easy for you to do. If there are no seats available near the restroom, the next best thing is to choose an aisle seat, so it is easier to get up without disrupting other passengers. 

Consider Adult Diapers for Any Mode of Transportation 

While limiting your fluid intake prior to your holiday trip is always advisable, people with serious incontinence may need extra support.  That is where adult diapers, panty liners, and male guards come in handy. Affordable, flexible, and made from the most reliable brands, incontinence supplies help provide an extra layer of protection to keep you comfortable no matter where you will be traveling for the holidays. 

Incontinence is nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, about 13 million Americans suffer from incontinence. To find out more about incontinence supplies like pads and briefs, please feel free to contact us at CW Medical today.


Prevail Incontinence Products
Prevail Incontinence Products

Tranquility Pull-ups Disposable Underwear


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